Monday, July 22, 2013

Uplifting Stories

This week I chose Option 2 and the topic I chose to discuss is teaching English as a Second Language.  I chose this because I personally have experience teaching ESL in the Early Childhood Environment and I didn't have a curriculum to follow so I had to be really creative when implementing english lessons for my students.  I would design a creative curriculum and test it out in Early Childhood classrooms for 3 months and keep track on the child's progress on their english.  The positive contribution my study would make to the field of early childhood is that teachers are better prepared to cater to children and families who are learning English as a second language.  The curriculum used to teach ESL will make english learning fun for children because every moment will be a learning experience for the child. Families will benefit because their child will be learning a new language and strengthen social skills as well as know two different languages. Overall, the positive impact for children and families having a great experience adjusting to a new country and learning english without feeling stressed out.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

This week I am going to discuss the topic I chose for my class simulation which is on Professional Development.  I chose to focus on Professional Development because in the field of ECE I believe that this is one of the factors that goes into becoming a high qualified early childhood educator. I believe it's more than just having education and experience but the having the continuous professional growth to become a great leader in the classroom and providing the education children deserve is very rewarding. When I was working in the classroom environment I had opportunities for professional development and I liked the fact that I was able to learn new things and apply it to my daily work. What are your thoughts on Professional Development?
