Sunday, July 14, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

This week I am going to discuss the topic I chose for my class simulation which is on Professional Development.  I chose to focus on Professional Development because in the field of ECE I believe that this is one of the factors that goes into becoming a high qualified early childhood educator. I believe it's more than just having education and experience but the having the continuous professional growth to become a great leader in the classroom and providing the education children deserve is very rewarding. When I was working in the classroom environment I had opportunities for professional development and I liked the fact that I was able to learn new things and apply it to my daily work. What are your thoughts on Professional Development?



  1. I think that professional development is a great topic to focus on. Not only does it contain conducting research, but it allows teachers to communicate with other teachers and share their ideas. This is very important!

  2. Jasmyn,

    I think that doing your research on professional development is a great research topic. I have found that research that supports professional development helps to get, maintain, or increase funding for professional development. I had an opportunity in a previous job to work as a Professional Development Coordinator. I really enjoyed being able to support teachers in terms of modeling, mentoring, and provide various trainings. I think professional development is essential to providing quality service to children and their families and growing teachers. I look forward to reading more about your research.
