Sunday, August 4, 2013

Research Around the World

This week I am going to discuss research in Early Childhood around the world.  I am going to discuss my findings on Early Childhood research in Australia.  I went on the Australian website  

I found many different articles on topics such as children's aggression, learning through play, and enriching everyday practice. As I was exploring the website I found a lot of useful information but I also found something that was a new insight is the Children's News Section. I found this section to be new insight because it discusses what's going with early childhood in Australia for example I was reading June 2013 I was reading about committing to advocate for young children in Australia. 

I believe that all of the information about early childhood in Australia is very noteworthy because it's interesting to see that a lot of the issues Australia face are very similar to the U.S. and other countries. 

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