Sunday, December 22, 2013


In this course I have learned a lot about communication from my colleagues and actual experiences. I have learned from my colleagues by reading about their experiences, thoughts and ideas which has given me insight on how they communicate. From everything I have learned in this course including the platinum rule I have been able to apply it with my cheerleaders and they understand what I mean. Overall, I appreciate everything my colleagues have shared.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Adjourn phase

The hardest good-bye for me was when I was working with the Head Start program and me and a few of my co-workers had built a very strong bond amongst each other and when it came to working with the children. I had a great relationship with these ladies and we trusted each other.  I had got a job offer within the school district here in Nashville.  I wouldn’t necessarily say that I had a closing ritual because I still keep in touch with my former colleagues, however they wish me the best of luck in all of my endeavors. I imagine that adjourning from the group of colleagues in my master’s program would be bittersweet. I say this because we have shared our thoughts and ideas amongst each other and once we complete the program we all will be going our separate ways. I believe that adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because it allows the team to remember the great moments of building trust and working together to achieve a goal.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Today, I had an argument with the guy I have been dating on and off via text message. He has apologized and I have been so stubborn towards him that I pretty much brushed it off without considering his feelings. He listens to me but when it comes to him I listen but I get really defensive towards him and our issue escalates instead of being resolved. I really have to work on being mindful of the other person and their feelings. I am pretty sure he and I can come to a compromise about our issues to where we won't regret saying something to really hurt each other.