Sunday, December 1, 2013


Today, I had an argument with the guy I have been dating on and off via text message. He has apologized and I have been so stubborn towards him that I pretty much brushed it off without considering his feelings. He listens to me but when it comes to him I listen but I get really defensive towards him and our issue escalates instead of being resolved. I really have to work on being mindful of the other person and their feelings. I am pretty sure he and I can come to a compromise about our issues to where we won't regret saying something to really hurt each other.

1 comment:

  1. The impartiality of virtual communication adds a layer of difficulty to creating and resolving conflicts. Keeping those three Rs in mind (and keeping in mind that you may not be getting an accurate read of the other person's application of the 2 Rs because of the "distance" of electronic communication) can make conflicts like this easier to manage.
