Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who Am I As A Communicator

This week I completed surveys along with my friend and sister to see how I evaluated myself and how they evaluated me as a communicator, verbal aggressor, and my listening style.  I was surprised that the results of my survey of how I evaluated myself was very similar to how my sister and friend evaluated me. After discussing the surveys with my sister and friend I have learned that I am more of a "talker" than "listener" and that's something I know I have to work on.  I am good at listening but I can admit I have my moments depending on the situation. When it comes to verbal aggressions I am mindful of other people and I try not to engage in verbal aggressions where its attacking the person or their self concept. I found the surveys to be interesting and I am glad that I am able to know how other's view me.

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