Monday, October 29, 2012

My passion

My passion is to strive to make a difference in the lives of children and families by contributing the necessary factors needed in the Early Childhood Education Field... Patience and Passion

What is your passion?


  1. I share your passion! Working with children and families is my life work. I am currently working in management - it's been awhile since I've taught in the classroom. I'm not sure I could do it anymore but the work I do is important in ensuring our teachers have the tools they need to do the best work possible for our children and their families.

    1. Thank you for sharing your passion with me. It's always great to meet individuals who have a passion for making a difference in children and families lives no matter what you do.

  2. Ive always had a passion for working with children. I love seeing them grow and gain knowledge over the years. Children are a joy and Im blessed to be in the field of Early Childhood.

  3. I also have a passion for working with children, especially the youngest ones. They see the world so differently from us and share this unique view all the time. They are so giving and they soak up anything I give them.

  4. Hello Jasmy,
    We share the same passion. I want to be a better advocated to the parents and children to insure a better future for them.
