Saturday, March 30, 2013

My Connections to Play

As a little girl I loved to play with my dolls. I would act like they were my children and I would take care of them. I would do their hair, give them baths, and feed them. I would play with my dolls for hours as a little girl. I even played dolls with my friends. I would occasionally sneak one of my dolls to school so during recess me and my friends could sit in the grass and talk about our dolls and other cool toys we had. Today, I have seen kids who play with their dolls like I did growing up but now with the way technology has advanced over the years. Children prefer mainly electronic devices over your traditional toys.
 Listed below you will see two quotes that I believe what "play" represented to me. Please share your thoughts with me.
 "Almost all creativity involves purposeful play."
                             -Abraham Maslow
"Play is the only way the highest intelligence of humankind can unfold"
                                                            - Joseph Chilton Pearce

 In the photos below are 2 of my favorite dolls I played with as a little girl.  The top photo is the "Cup cake doll" and the bottom photo is the "Kenya doll". I was definitely a "girly girl" when I was little and I loved playing with dolls of course.  What are some of your favorite childhood toys?


Kenya Doll


  1. Jasmyn,
    I enjoyed reading your blog about the wonderful times you had as a child playing with dolls. I enjoyed playing with dolls too. I was an only child until I was 9 years old, I had some of the best conversations and socialization by expressing myself through my dolls and how I manipulated them to interact. Great memories!

  2. Hi Jasmyn, I agree that electronics seem to be taking over and replacing creative or physical activity. Children are not getting the opportunity to learn how and practice social skills that are so critical to life. My children did have video games, but I don't remember them being such a big part of their life. They liked to go outside and run and play. They were interested in building with blocks, (we must have had thousands between the three boys) and they never got tired or bored with them. They had a huge interest in music and taught themselves how to play guitar and drums when they were a little older and spent lots of time playing sports. Ice hockey was a favorite of all three. They enjoyed reading books and two are still avid readers. Children these days are missing out on so many opportunities to explore and be creative while plugged into their electronics. As a child I enjoyed being outside. Nature was a huge part of my childhood and it is still one of my favorite things to enjoy at my age now. I enjoyed reading your post. Cindy Ferguson
