Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Supports

When it comes to supporting others and receiving support as well. It can really make a difference in our daily lives. I know that I receive support in a lot of ways from friends, family, and colleagues. Without the support I receive from them I would feel lost. The kind of support I receive is Emotional support, sometimes I feel like I am not doing my best or feel like I am a failure whether its work or school related.  When I talk to my friends and family about what is bothering me they show support to me by listening, and sharing their thoughts as well. When I am at work, I receive support from my colleagues as far as not letting the job stress me out and to do my best as well as the best approach to handle various situations.  I am not just an individual who receives support, I also provide support to others.  I am very passionate about helping others and being a supportive individual in the lives of others makes me feel good.  What are some ways you receive support or give support to others?


  1. Jasmyn - I know the value of having family, friends and colleagues to talk with and share perspectives. I think that having these people is often the only way I stay sane in stressful situations. I also gain tremendous emotional support from my two dogs, Spencer and Jackson. They bring me up when I'm feeling my worse and always greet me as if I am the most special person in the world when I come home from weeks of travel. Do you have pets? I can't imagine my life with out them.

  2. Jasmyn,
    I think that you are very fortunate to have the daily support of your family, friends, or colleagues in your environment. It seems that sometimes you may be a little hard on yourself; but the daily support in your environment appears to encourage and validate you. It also appears that the same support is reciprocated by you. What wonderful relationships!
