Saturday, May 11, 2013

Establishing Resources and Professional Contacts

In the field of Early Childhood, it's very important to establish professional relationships with Early Childhood Educators, Advocates and etc. As well as expanding resources in regards to Early Childhood.  This week was interesting for me because I was able to connect with Professor Atmore who is a representative for the Centre of Early Childhood Development in South Africa. For my first initial connection with someone overseas was a great start for me. I am looking forward to seeing what other organizations I connect with as well what I will learn from them throughout this course.


  1. Hi there, do you have good established relationships in your job? What are some of the issues and trends you encounter? I still have not received any feedback back, but I believe this will be a great opportunity to see how other countries teach and create their education. What other country have you tried to contact? I am looking into South Africa and Asia. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I know that it has to be exciting to establish your first overseas connection. I cannot wait to connect with as many overseas childhood professional as I can. I will have the opportunity to see how the early care differences and similarities.

  3. That's great that you have had contact with someone in another country already. I have not had any of the professionals respond to me quite yet. What information have you learned from these individuals so far?

  4. Congratulations on making a connection already. This project is pretty exciting to me and I think it will be a great opportunity to learn some new approaches and perspectives on ECE. I am still waiting to hear back from the people I contacted, but I am really hoping I can make a connection because I am very interested in both of them.

  5. Jasmyn,

    I am so excited for the connection you have made with the professor in Africa! I can't wait to read about the differences and similarities you find throughout this course between American ECE and Africa's ECE. What other country are you interested in connecting with?

  6. Hi Jasmyn,
    I was also interested in the work of Mr. Atmore, I look forward to reading about your experience.

    Ashley Daniels
