Friday, May 24, 2013

Poverty in Mongolia

Poverty is an issue that many people face all over the world. It makes you think what is really being done to eliminate poverty.  In this post I will discuss poverty in Mongolia.  After reading about Mongolia and how the children and families are not only suffering from poverty, but I am very concerned about the health and education related issues.  In Mongolia, the children are underweight, and both children and families are suffering from nutrient deficiency. Issues like this makes me worry because there isn't much being done to help children and families in Mongolia. Due to the lack of support for families living in poverty in Mongolia, children have increased work loads and have to look after younger siblings. This causes children to never enter school and others to drop out.  The concern for children and families living in poverty in Mongolia should be a top priority.  When reading about children and families living in Poverty globally and locally makes you grateful for what you have and at the same time inspires you to lend a hand making a difference no matter how big or small it is. Below I will attach the article I read in regards to Mongolia so you can read about this issue.


  1. Poverty is such a tough issues for families across the world. It seems as though a lot of the countries outside of the United States have the young children taking care of their younger siblings and doing the hard work around the house. I would hate to see this happen :(

  2. If you haven't seen it yet, check out the film Babies They follow 4 babies around the world, including Mongolia and Namibia, for their first year. It is an interesting perspective on parenting and poverty and makes you look at what makes a happy and healthy baby.

  3. I read about Mongolia too. It really sadden me because it seemed like the rug had been pulled from underneath their feet. I don't be any means support a government ran country, but I think that people who are use to that and have that level of dependency there should have been systems in place to help them with the transition of freedom. The article did make me appreciate what I have and were I live.
