Sunday, June 2, 2013

Children's Rights International Network

This week I chose to focus on the Child Right's International Network ( This website is a global website that discusses the issues of children all over the world. As an early childhood educator I find it very important to have knowledge from a global aspect on what is going on when it comes to the care for children in other countries.  I find this website very resourceful because it provides information on other organizations that are helping children and families within their country. When looking at this website it provides the latest news on what's going on around the world about children whether it's abuse, education or murder. One thing that did stand out to me is the discrimination issue going on in Greece in regards to Roma School Children. This discrimination issue is denying children's right to education and the European courts have ruled in this case to stop segregation in the schools against Roma Children.  If you want to check out this website and this information here is the website


  1. Great Post!!! Do you feel that Greece will ever stop the discrimination so the can learn?

  2. Jasmyn,
    The article that you chose was very interesting. I found it disturbing that Romani children in Greece were being segregated from other students. Thank goodness the court ruled in favor of the children.
