Sunday, June 23, 2013

UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education

This week I chose to do the alternate blog posting because I still haven't heard from any of my international contacts. On the UNESCO's Early Childhood Care and Education website there is a lot of information but the one thing that stood out to me was the article on "Quality Inclusive Education in Colombia Initiative".  In Colombia, inclusive education is generally understood as giving special attention to children that are vulnerable to social exclusion, such as populations displaced by violence, indigenous people, working children, children with disabilities and people from rural areas (   Inclusion is very important especially in the field of education. As a professional I mainly want to work with all children including those with special needs. I believe that every child has the right to have high quality education and no child should be excluded because of a disability. The Colombian Government is addressing educational practices that are exclusionary in relation to economic, cultural and ethnic differences of the population, using inclusion as a mechanism to avoid any kind of discrimination ( I feel the Colombian Government is off to a great start in addressing inclusion as well as understanding the importance of everyone's right to quality education.  If you want to read the story here is the link I used and tell me what you think.

 © UNESCO 2011


  1. That is an interesting project and it is great to hear about outer countries adopting and adapting their standards for inclusion to reach and educate more children. I had a coworker from Columbia who grew up there in the 80's and had crazy and horrible stories about the drug violence, poverty and guerrilla war. It is nice to hear stories like this that show the country moving beyond it's violent past and putting resources into early childhood education.

  2. I agree 100% that EVERY child, no matter the circumstance, should have the right to have high quality education. Which goes directly with the law IDEA. We need to reach out to the community and have them do what they can to help out the less fortunate and families that are struggling. Great post!

  3. I agree that inclusion is important. Every child deserves to receive and eduation that is tailored to there needs.
