Friday, June 7, 2013

Global Children's Initiative

This week I am going to discuss the Global Children's Initiative at Harvard University. I am already familiar with the Global Children's Initiative. I am very intrigued by the projects the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard have created to help children in other countries.  The Zambia Project is a project I am interested in because it's a collaborative project that includes the Zambian Ministry of Education, and the Examination Council of Zambia to measure the effects of ongoing anti-malaria initiative on children's development in Zambia.

Another project that interests me is the "Un Buen Comienzo" which means "A good start". Which is a collaborative project in Santiago, Chile. This project focuses on improving early childhood development through teacher professional development as well as language development for children ages 4 to 6.

Applying the Science of Early Childhood in Brazil is another project within the Global Children's Initiative. The Nucleo Ciencia Pela Infancio is a collaboration between the Center, the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University, Fundação Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of São Paulo, and Insper. This project represents a unique opportunity for the Center to work with Brazilian scholars, policymakers, and civil society leaders to adapt the Center’s programmatic model for the local context in order to catalyze more effective policies and programs that will, ultimately, foster a more prosperous, sustainable, and equitable society (

Overall, I find all of these projects to be an amazing start to addressing global issues regarding early childhood.


  1. You may be interested in the WorldReader program: They buy and distribute eReaders loaded with local language books to schools in developing countries. The eReaders can hold hundreds of books in a tiny space and can be shipped, shared and updated easily. In some war torn areas the school is just one or two mud walls with a dirt floor, imagine trying to gather and store hundreds of books. I also love that they work with local publishers to digitize local textbooks and literature so the student feel more connected to the materials.

  2. Great post!! Overall, I think that it is great that there are so many organizations and projects around the world to help early childhood children. As professionals, we need to focus on children at this young age. Not only do we need to focus on the children and families that are struggling, but also the children and families that are above the poverty line.

  3. I enjoyed your post. It is good to know that there are projects that help and promote early learning for young children. Especially in those areas that face environmental issues that affect the well-being of children. It is great that there are people around the world that a just as passionate about the development of children.

    Ashley Daniels
