Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who Am I As A Communicator

This week I completed surveys along with my friend and sister to see how I evaluated myself and how they evaluated me as a communicator, verbal aggressor, and my listening style.  I was surprised that the results of my survey of how I evaluated myself was very similar to how my sister and friend evaluated me. After discussing the surveys with my sister and friend I have learned that I am more of a "talker" than "listener" and that's something I know I have to work on.  I am good at listening but I can admit I have my moments depending on the situation. When it comes to verbal aggressions I am mindful of other people and I try not to engage in verbal aggressions where its attacking the person or their self concept. I found the surveys to be interesting and I am glad that I am able to know how other's view me.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Communicating Effectively

When I communicate with people from different groups and cultures I try to be mindful and courteous to everyone I communicate with. For example when I communicate with children or adults who may have a developmental delay or disability I try to make sure I talk to them in a way they can understand and not like they are just completely handicapped. When I communicate with people of different cultures that are still learning English, I mainly focus on listening so I can interpret what it is they need and I repeat what they said back to me just so they get that I understand and I assist them by any means. Based on what I have learned this week the strategies I could use to communicate effectively being mindful of other’s perspectives other than my own. Keep the platinum rule in mind when I communicate with others no matter the situation.  Making sure that I have patience for those who are struggling with communicating effectively because of their native language and cultural background.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Television Exercise

I am watching my favorite show on ABC Family Pretty Little Liars. I am watching an episode from the 1st season. In the beginning of the episode Aria is communicating with her family which seems to be going well because there is no tension and everyone is smiling.  Now that I am watching this scene with the volume my assumption is that everyone is happy, but what's really going on is that her parents are currently separated and they have been sneaking around so the kids wouldn't find out and now the family is having a discussion about actually making changes in the family meaning the parents getting back together and being a family again.

Monday, November 4, 2013


I believe that Lala Anthony is a person who demonstrates competent communication. She is a mother, an actress, a wife, and the face of her very own cosmetics line “Motives”.   When Lala is communicating with her family she is a very effective communicator regardless if she is right or wrong in a situation.  When watching her discuss giving back to others her face lights up and you can see the joy in her smile. She displays great body language and she is a great listener as well. When she discusses her product she communicates very well on how great it is and how she has heard great things from customers about the product. I would model her positive communication behavior when it comes to discussing my products (future children’s book author) and being an effective communicator in the field of early childhood. I believe that I am a great communicator  and I am very effective no matter the situation.