Friday, May 24, 2013

Poverty in Mongolia

Poverty is an issue that many people face all over the world. It makes you think what is really being done to eliminate poverty.  In this post I will discuss poverty in Mongolia.  After reading about Mongolia and how the children and families are not only suffering from poverty, but I am very concerned about the health and education related issues.  In Mongolia, the children are underweight, and both children and families are suffering from nutrient deficiency. Issues like this makes me worry because there isn't much being done to help children and families in Mongolia. Due to the lack of support for families living in poverty in Mongolia, children have increased work loads and have to look after younger siblings. This causes children to never enter school and others to drop out.  The concern for children and families living in poverty in Mongolia should be a top priority.  When reading about children and families living in Poverty globally and locally makes you grateful for what you have and at the same time inspires you to lend a hand making a difference no matter how big or small it is. Below I will attach the article I read in regards to Mongolia so you can read about this issue.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sharing Web Resources

Learning about International organizations that relate to Early Childhood Education is very interesting. I say this because I like researching international organizations and learning about their concerns for early childhood and what are some things they are doing to make an impact and difference in their native countries. I researched the World Association of Early Childhood Educators (WAECE). This organization aims to, " Allow every child under six years of age to exercise their right to early education, to fully develop capabilities and social responsibility according to Art. 7 of the United Nations Declaration on Children's Rights. Exchange experiences, foster contacts and collaboration and information among all early childhood educators ("  

I found an article on the WAECE website that really caught my attention and I will copy and paste a link for you to read it yourselves and you can tell me what you think.  The article is called, "The World Association of Early Childhood Educators (WAECE-WAECE) shows its complete disagreement with the "sampling" to children 5 years.  This article discusses how in Madrid the children ages 5 are getting assessments in public and subsidized schools. The WAECE believes such assessments will undermine children's own natural maturation and label schools good/bad and segregate the schools. From reading this article I see that the WAECE displays a serious amount of concern and they are doing everything they can to get this issue resolved.

Here is the link for the article, read it and tell me what you think.|en


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Establishing Resources and Professional Contacts

In the field of Early Childhood, it's very important to establish professional relationships with Early Childhood Educators, Advocates and etc. As well as expanding resources in regards to Early Childhood.  This week was interesting for me because I was able to connect with Professor Atmore who is a representative for the Centre of Early Childhood Development in South Africa. For my first initial connection with someone overseas was a great start for me. I am looking forward to seeing what other organizations I connect with as well what I will learn from them throughout this course.