Friday, October 25, 2013

Professional Hopes and Goals

One hope that I have when I work with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that they are going through a non-stressful transition. I say this because I understand how hard it can be to live in a different country that is not your native home and conforming to the dominant culture can be difficult. I grew up in Okinawa Japan and I remember what life was like for my family when I was younger trying to adjust to the Japanese culture.

One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field in regards to the issue of diversity is that we continue to educate children and families issues of diversity, equity, and social justice and ways we can make a difference.

To my colleagues of EDUC-6164 I enjoyed working with you and I know that you will excel in the field of ECE!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jasmine, I enjoyed reading your post. I agree that education is the first step to making a real difference. In order to change, we must truly understand the needs and challenges children and families face when not being valued and respected for who they are and what they believe. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts and sharing discussions with you. I wish you success and all the best in reaching your goals. Cindy Ferguson
