Thursday, November 8, 2012

Favorite Story as a Child: Walt Disney's Three Little Pigs

When I was a little girl for Christmas my mom got me and my little sister disney books with the cassette tapes to listen to the stories for each book. Of all the disney books we had my favorite was the "Three Little Pigs".  I loved this story so much because when I listened to the cassette the narrator was fun to listen to and I loved singing the song "Whose afraid of the Big Bad Wolf" I would listen to this story and read along and also act it out. I would try to play every character in the story including the big bad wolf and I would literally blow very hard to blow down the house like the wolf did in the story. This story is one of my all time favorites and someday when I have children I am going to read them this story as well.


  1. I also like this story. I use it in my unit on houses and homes. We act it out and the children love to be the big bad wolf. It's an easy story to retell even for children with little English so it works really well for me.

  2. I have always enjoyed this story. I use this book when are on the themes like Farm animals and Homes. The children enjoy changing their voices to sound like the wolf. Great Book!

  3. Thank you Jennifer and Rolanda for commenting. This story is a classic and I love it. You are right it's very easy to retell. Thank you for checking my blog out!!!

  4. As a young boy my parents played UGK pocket full of stones and I can't wait to share those stories with my kids. The stories parralel as it shows with hard work and preparation "success" isn't just for the esoteric among us.
