Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Words of Motivation and Inspiration

What motivates you to get up and do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals? Do you have a quote that pushes you to continue to strive for the best? Here is the quote that motivates me to continue to reach my "ultimate goal".
"The best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." 
                  -Teddy Roosevelt

When reading this quote what does it say to you?


  1. Great quote. It is fulfilling when we do work that we enjoy doing. So often, we have jobs that we are working because we have to and not because it is what we inspire to do. Being in a position that is not worth doing sometimes causes us to half hearteldly do the work.

    1. Thanks, and you are right there are people today who aren't doing the kind of work that makes them happy which causes them to not put their best foot forward. I have a job that I believe is work worth doing however I haven't reached that ultimate goal of doing the kind of work that makes me happy but I am getting a step closer each day.
