Thursday, November 15, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

My Aunt Jacqueline
My aunt Jacqueline is my father’s younger sister. My aunt cared about me as a child because we shared a common interest in cheerleading and dance. When I was 8 years old living in Albany, Georgia I was the youngest and smallest cheerleader on my squad. The coaches didn’t have a uniform in my size either. My mom took me to Atlanta that weekend for her and my aunt Jacqueline to measure me and they made me a cheerleading uniform that was very pretty and I loved it.  When I cheered in the games my uniform was definitely one of a kind and I got a lot of compliments on it.

My Uncle Rick
My uncle Rick was married to my aunt on my mother’s side of the family.  My uncle Rick cared about me as a child because when we were living in Japan he helped my mother and father out with taking care of me and my sister. He would take us out and I remember that when we were little he took us to a park where there were a lot of airplanes and he took pictures of us there. Once we moved from Japan, we were living in Albany Ga. He would come eat lunch with me at school and talk to the kids in my class about the military.

My Grandmother Essie
My grandmother Essie is my father’s mother. My grandmother cared about me as a child because I was the best birthday present she could ever receive.  My grandmother and I share the same birthday August 11.  Every year for my birthday since I was a little girl when I woke up I would call my grandmother and we would sing “Happy Birthday” to each other, which really made me smile.  We actually still do that to this very day. As a child she would take me shopping (which is one of my favorite things to do) at unique stores in Downtown Atlanta.  She also was very religious and she taught me the importance of being a Christian and having a relationship with God.

I am in the center directly behind my Grandmother as we were celebrating her 80th Birthday. Amongst myself are my brother, sister, step sisters, and cousins all of the grandchildren.

My Mother Mildred
My mother cared and nurtured me as a child because I am here first born daughter.  I was also born with a birth defect that had an effect on me as a child and if it wasn’t for her doing whatever it took for me to have a normal life I wouldn’t be the Jasmyn Adwaters I am today.

My Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Koy
My kindergarten teacher Mrs. Koy was a very caring teacher.  She always went above and beyond for us.  I felt that she cared for me because when I moved from Okinawa, Japan I moved to Quantico Virginia and I was pretty much the new girl. I had to make new friends all over again and she helped me get the “shyness” out and make friends in my class.  She always had a smile on her face and that really made me feel like she loves being my teacher.  It would have been great to have experienced Mrs. Koy the entire school year but unfortunately she died in the middle of the year which really broke my heart and made me sad. As I think of her now, I think of her as a great teacher who always smiled.


  1. Your family picture is so nice. My grandmother's birthday is August 12th. She is 80 and such a joy. I'm a little older than you, but I remember my 5k teacher as well. It is important that teachers become positive influences early.

  2. You lived a varied and exciting childhood. Do you think having stable influences is important in a child's life? Can a series of positive relationships with different people have the same effect? I work with international families who tend to move regularly to new situations. There is very little chance that the extended family is nearby and easily accessible. I see that a stable family is important for the children to make a smooth transition.

  3. Wow very nice families, every child need to have a person love them. I have a great childhood myself and I would not change it for anything. Sophia

  4. Sounds like you had a look of positive support, and such good looking family.
