Thursday, January 10, 2013

Child Birth In Your Life and Around the World: part 2

Yesterday, I discussed my personal experience in watching someone give birth. Today, I am going to discuss how other women from different countries give birth, mainly focusing in on the women in Peru. The women in Peru mainly have "Vertical Birth Deliveries". Some of the methods include delivering the baby while the mother is on her knees with another person holding on to her in front of her while another pulls the baby out from behind. Another way is to kneel in the bath tub while holding on to something or someone and the baby will come out in the water. Just from research of giving birth in different countries to my own personal experience of watching someone give birth they are very similar the baby comes out the same way no matter how you position the body. I found this particular technique to be very informative because I had no clue that there was more ways to give birth. Below I am going to post some links I want you to check out and tell me what you think.

Child Birth in Peru

Stand and Deliver

1 comment:

  1. Jasymn,
    I have never give birth but "Vertical Birth Deliveries" do not sound like something I want to experience. Particularly, giving birth on my knees. Very interesting articles.
