Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Child Development and Public Health

Their are many factors that impact Child Development and Children's Health all over the world.  The importance of making sure that children get the right nutrition, love, and care they need promotes healthy development.  Also, in other countries children may not have the chance to develop healthy because of the lack of resources provided due to low socioeconomoic statuses.  In this post I am going to discuss one particular issue that I feel is important and that everyone needs to be aware of because it's affecting children over the world.  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is one of the leading causes of deaths in infants all over the world between the ages of 1 day and 1 year old.  There is no known cause of SIDS but there are ways to prevent it. Never place an infant on their stomach to sleep always place them on their back.  If you read below I am going to list some websites to further your understanding of SIDS and what you could do to help with the prevention.




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